A few years ago, I had just heard about 'green thinking'. I always wanted to be environment-friendly. But, to me, ignorance was true bliss. My 'environment-consciousness' was limited to reducing use of Plastics and encouraging cycling. And may be, less consumption of fossil fuels. I had no clue about the myriad ways in which we could contribute to saving the Planet. It was new to me that there could be houses which focus on ZED or Zero Energy Development. That is when the story began.
To cut the long story short, it was the first meeting with Hariharan, CEO, BCIL. I was awe-struck by him. Our short meeting extended to long hours because we all sat and listened to him. I was deeply touched by this man who has given all that he has to contribute to energy-consciousness at an urban level. I realize that it may be easier to preach or even practise energy-conservation in a rural setting, but, to fulfill the housing aspirations of the urban elite; all the while preserving the precious Nature is quite a challenge.
What followed was a few years of trying to partner with BCIL to promote their thinking, their homes. That was at a purely professional level. But, at a personal level, I wanted to do everything that I could to let their name reach far and wide. I spoke to so many like-minded friends. While my PR colleagues got fame and name to BCIL, I tried to do my own trickling of a story - a green story.
Green A/C? Green refrigeration? Zero food miles? Bricks that use Zero energy. Grow your own water. Welcome the air, wind and sun into your house. But, you don't have to switch the A/C off? It was all knowledge to me. That is what BCIL homes offer. Green engineering. In the real sense of the term.
I started researching on other builders of this genre. Or others who claimed to be:
Builders who offer more carpet area,
builders who offer their homes near a green patch,
builders who have homes with windows overlooking some army land,
builders whose homes look environment-friendly- just because they use bricks that look fanciful,
builders who offer basic rain-water harvesting as part of their offerings,
builders who offer a little bit of garden space (they call it organic farming!).
I did come across a handful who offer homes which are environment friendly in some sense, but in other ways, deplete natural resources. NOT ONE LIKE BCIL!
I don't have an axe to grind today as I don't work for BCIL. I don't work as their Communications Consultant at an official level. But, in my heart of hearts, am a BCIL ambassador. I have spoken to more people about BCIL after I stopped working for them officially and have been following this Company through various media channels. What prompted me to start this blog, what prompted me to save all those food miles, lessen my carbon fooprints - is all because of the green seed that BCIL planted in me a few years ago.
BCIL influenced my food choices too. Once, Hariharanji gave me a book (Hope's Edge) to read which is all about making wise food choices. I never knew that what we pop in so carelessly could damage the Earth beyond recognition.
There is a lot more about how BCIL influenced me. More in the next posts. I am happy that I could do my little bit for the world's first Platinum rated apartments (T-ZED). This is just one. BCIL has so many such firsts to its credit.
Just a bit more about the Founder - about what moved him so much that he gave up everything else for a single-minded cause- the Green cause. I paste excerpts from an interview with him.
"When did you discover your sensitivity towards environment?
Having to deal with over 800 human bodies after the Uttarkashi earthquake with the challenges of cremating them (not burying them) in the winter of 1991 with incessant rains that made the task harder laid the seed in me of having to take on challenges that put a human face to development and quality of life.
The inequity of life where the poor pay more for essential things in life like water and poor deepened my resolve to work toward technologies and solutions in urban and rural eco systems that could reduce our eco footprint while enhancing quality of life."
Some people are destined to do different things and do things differently.Once, a Chartered Accountant, a Financial Journalist, a Master in Econometrics. Then, a water shed management expert, a development economist, a rehab planner, a water/ energy technologist - now all streamlined into a Green Engineering Expert, a Green Visionary. It must be more than just a calling.
Before I close, I dedicate this humble attempt to a visionary - Mr. Chandrasekhar Hariharan and BCIL. Wish we could all look at buildings the way he looks at them- as energy systems. Lets watch what we plug in and what we plug out of them. Let us open the windows of our houses wide open - let nature in - let the sun and the breeze in. Our minds too will open then to a world of big possibilities.

I would be more than happy and you may end up doing a whole world of good by visiting http://www.ecobcil.com/
To cut the long story short, it was the first meeting with Hariharan, CEO, BCIL. I was awe-struck by him. Our short meeting extended to long hours because we all sat and listened to him. I was deeply touched by this man who has given all that he has to contribute to energy-consciousness at an urban level. I realize that it may be easier to preach or even practise energy-conservation in a rural setting, but, to fulfill the housing aspirations of the urban elite; all the while preserving the precious Nature is quite a challenge.
What followed was a few years of trying to partner with BCIL to promote their thinking, their homes. That was at a purely professional level. But, at a personal level, I wanted to do everything that I could to let their name reach far and wide. I spoke to so many like-minded friends. While my PR colleagues got fame and name to BCIL, I tried to do my own trickling of a story - a green story.
Green A/C? Green refrigeration? Zero food miles? Bricks that use Zero energy. Grow your own water. Welcome the air, wind and sun into your house. But, you don't have to switch the A/C off? It was all knowledge to me. That is what BCIL homes offer. Green engineering. In the real sense of the term.
I started researching on other builders of this genre. Or others who claimed to be:
Builders who offer more carpet area,
builders who offer their homes near a green patch,
builders who have homes with windows overlooking some army land,
builders whose homes look environment-friendly- just because they use bricks that look fanciful,
builders who offer basic rain-water harvesting as part of their offerings,
builders who offer a little bit of garden space (they call it organic farming!).
I did come across a handful who offer homes which are environment friendly in some sense, but in other ways, deplete natural resources. NOT ONE LIKE BCIL!
I don't have an axe to grind today as I don't work for BCIL. I don't work as their Communications Consultant at an official level. But, in my heart of hearts, am a BCIL ambassador. I have spoken to more people about BCIL after I stopped working for them officially and have been following this Company through various media channels. What prompted me to start this blog, what prompted me to save all those food miles, lessen my carbon fooprints - is all because of the green seed that BCIL planted in me a few years ago.
BCIL influenced my food choices too. Once, Hariharanji gave me a book (Hope's Edge) to read which is all about making wise food choices. I never knew that what we pop in so carelessly could damage the Earth beyond recognition.
There is a lot more about how BCIL influenced me. More in the next posts. I am happy that I could do my little bit for the world's first Platinum rated apartments (T-ZED). This is just one. BCIL has so many such firsts to its credit.
Just a bit more about the Founder - about what moved him so much that he gave up everything else for a single-minded cause- the Green cause. I paste excerpts from an interview with him.
"When did you discover your sensitivity towards environment?
Having to deal with over 800 human bodies after the Uttarkashi earthquake with the challenges of cremating them (not burying them) in the winter of 1991 with incessant rains that made the task harder laid the seed in me of having to take on challenges that put a human face to development and quality of life.
The inequity of life where the poor pay more for essential things in life like water and poor deepened my resolve to work toward technologies and solutions in urban and rural eco systems that could reduce our eco footprint while enhancing quality of life."
Some people are destined to do different things and do things differently.Once, a Chartered Accountant, a Financial Journalist, a Master in Econometrics. Then, a water shed management expert, a development economist, a rehab planner, a water/ energy technologist - now all streamlined into a Green Engineering Expert, a Green Visionary. It must be more than just a calling.
Before I close, I dedicate this humble attempt to a visionary - Mr. Chandrasekhar Hariharan and BCIL. Wish we could all look at buildings the way he looks at them- as energy systems. Lets watch what we plug in and what we plug out of them. Let us open the windows of our houses wide open - let nature in - let the sun and the breeze in. Our minds too will open then to a world of big possibilities.

I would be more than happy and you may end up doing a whole world of good by visiting http://www.ecobcil.com/
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